Jewel Frog: Which girl you are most like? ( Literature Girls

It is a great test and I am less nervous...don’t mock me! I know I am bad at typing. Don’t laugh at me! I love this quiz. It is the better one I did!

I hope you enjoy it. There is jellyfish in the stories and it is more fun than the previous one. It is great. Hope you enjoy it. Hahahaha:), I hope you love it.

Created by: Jellyfish Jewel
  1. RosemaryRebecca has a beautiful pink moon jellyfish. What is your reaction?
  2. A tomboy bully tries to hurt Manfred. What do you do?
  3. If Ella lost her doll, what do you do?
  4. If you could write a poem, what would you write
  5. If you come across a fairy one day, and she ask you what you want for a romantic date, what will you answer?
  6. If you have to be someone else, what will you be?
  7. What is your personality
  8. If you have to face a bully, who will you choose?
  9. Choose a best domestic pet word( not fish or turtle)
  10. Lastly, who you like best?

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