Jessie T.V show Quiz

Well guys i just wanted to say your great at it lol, Just study it more at i promise you'll be great and capable of doin the unimaginable allright, Wish luck EVERYONE. Bye

Ur great because you at least managed to test yoyr skills and get to know em lol, Just pructice Bcause u know what they say "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT". U rock

Created by: Rhoda

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is jessie's last name?
  2. In which City does the Ross family live in?
  3. In which role does Jessie play in the Ross family?
  4. Morgan and Cristina:Who is their real child?
  5. In the Ross family who is the only child that originates from india?
  6. Which type of house do they live in?
  7. What kind of work does their mother do?
  8. Who is the last child {Baby of the family} of the Ross family?
  9. Who is emma's crush?
  10. In one of the episodes:Who did jessie sing with?

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