Jessica's Boyfriend Application

There are a lot of fish in the sea, but I'm a picky fisher of men. A strong boyfriend of mine is smart enough to know when I need a mans-man and when I need someone to listen. I don't need a man to fix me.

So, are you a keeper or should I throw you back? Do you have the intuition and strength to be my man? Take this quiz and you will know. Should be easy enough...

Created by: Jessica

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You made me mad yesterday, to show you are wrong and apologize, you:
  2. Your body type is:
  3. I have a guy friend: we talk a couple of times a week, used to date and occassionally meet for lunch/dinner. You are:
  4. We have a date planned, but my child gets sick. I need to cancel. You:
  5. Your job is:
  6. For vacations you:
  7. Would you joyfully and excitedly coach the kids soccer team?
  8. Your family is:
  9. You preferred house is:
  10. Your take on animals:

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