Jessi's "are you smart" test

this is jessi's quiz to see how intelligent you are by her standards. This made me need 100 characters or more. so i will just type random things until the limit is met

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there lived. STAR WARS starwars theme plays AND THE EMPIRE AND THE SHIPS FOR THE EMPIRE PEW PEW PEW AAAHAHHA

Created by: Jessi
  1. Do you like learning outside of school?
  2. Do you think you are smart?
  3. Can you explain complex things in simple terms
  4. Are you a "happy person"
  5. Do you know what you don't know?
  6. Can you genuinely consider an opposing view without changing your own?
  7. Do people ever call you annoying?
  8. Do you think you can have morals without a god?
  9. Are you very religious?
  10. Would other people consider you cheery?
  11. Do you tend to do very well in a couple of subjects, and worse in others?
  12. Are you naturally skeptical of authority?
  13. Do you question everything?
  14. Do you think a single piece of evidence can disprove many pieces of evidence
  15. Are you happy with capitalism?
  16. Do you think voting is important?
  17. Do you avoid conversations about religion/politics?
  18. Are you bored all the time?

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Quiz topic: Jessi's "am I smart" test
