Jedi or sith you are

The Jedi were not perfect. But neither were the Sith. Sometimes you can see the way that the Jedi use power to get their way. Was this right? Or was it the only way when you were going against somebody like the Sith.

I'm not sure if I could go by the Jedi code. But at the same time I wouldn't want to do some of the evil things that the Sith did. The Sith definitely look cooler but then I'm not 12.

Created by: Lasher
  1. Would you die for anyone you know? Think hard about this. It doesn't mean you are evil if the answer is no. Most people probably wouldn't. Only answer you're not sure after you've thought about it a lot.
  2. If you had special powers and you were asked to dedicate your life to doing good, how would you handle it if you were told you couldn't be in relationships. You couldn't have a husband or wife. You aren't even supposed to have a bf or gf. Yikes!! Give this one a lot of thought. Don't assume you can do something that you wouldn't be able to in real life. It doesn't mean that you're a Sith if you couldn't do it. Many of us aren't capable of such a commitment.
  3. Would you use a questionable method to get ahead over someone else at a job? Be honest now if you want an accurate result!
  4. Have you cheated on a lover in the last 10 years? Or the last 5 years if you are 27 or younger? Don't worry. No one will know.
  5. What's more important? To have peace or fairness?
  6. Would you betray your master if they were inept and not competent?
  7. Are the Sith evil or have the Jedi manipulated things to make it appear that way?
  8. Would you leave the Jedi order if it would save the one you most loved?
  9. Mace Windu wanted to kill Palatine nd not give him a fair trial. Was this justified?
  10. Would you take a shortcut to become more powerful even if you were worn that it could turn you to the dark side? Give this one some serious thought.
  11. Do you gain strength through passion?
  12. Is there peace? Think about it before you answer.
  13. Can power be used in a good way? Or better said, could you use power in a good way? Think about both parts of the question.

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