Jedi Guardian, Consular, or Sentinel

The following quiz provides different questions about which class of jedi you would most likely be. The three classes are Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, and Jedi Sentinel.

The questions are designed to draw from your personality and problem solving methods which class you would best fit into. Three major elements that are the center of each class are: Lightsaber skills, knowledge of the Force, and personal training and balanced skills.

Created by: braxton

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You hear a person cry out for help in a nearby building. You rush to the door but it is locked you:
  2. You are given an option to choose the color of your lightsaber your choice is?
  3. You are forced into a combat situation in on a desert planet. How do you fight?
  4. Which part of the Jedi code makes the most sense to you?
  5. You are given a mission by the Jedi council. You are to leave the following day. To prepare you:
  6. After becoming a Jedi Knight you are asked to teach a class at the temple to younglings. You choose to teach:
  7. If you fell to the dark side you would probably become a:
  8. You go buy a star ship. What type do you choose
  9. Describe your Jedi's wardrobe
  10. As a Jedi it is your primary goal to

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