jacob or edward?

Alot of people love twilight but we have been fighting about are u a Jacob or Edward so this will help determine if u are Jacobs type or Edwards.So do the quiz.

so just take the quiz and i hope u like it it took me a long time to make it and now u can get to find out who u belong with.And if u dont like the response then o well.

Created by: Precious
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if u could die for someone who would he be?
  2. would u rather be a vampire or a werewolve?
  3. if u could have any power what would it be?
  4. how stong are u?
  5. who is hotter???!!!!
  6. why did u take this quiz?
  7. what part of twilight do u like the most?
  8. How pretty are u?
  9. if u ever liked some one but the person already had a mate what would u do
  10. who would u pick?

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