Jacob or Edward?

Jacob and Edward are totally different people (or monsters) its hard to choose who u would like if they were real. fdsfasdfcsdjaceurcfhnfjskdjvhjdakvnjkvnkdjvndsajkvndsajkvnsjadvnjksdnvajksdvjsdavnjsadvnjsadvnsajdvnsjdavnsjdvnsajvnsajdvn

Who would YOU choose answer he questions to find out. jksnvjksadvnrvnsdjkvnjdsvnjsadvnadjsvnjsadvnajksdvnkjsadvnsdajkvnsdajvnsajdvnasdjvnsajdvnajsdkvnsadjvnsndv

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When u walk into a public bathroom which stall do u go into?
  2. What would u rather feel all the time?
  3. Vampy or Wolfie?
  4. Wuts ur favorite food
  5. would u ever leave ur luv for his/her own good?
  7. FINAL QUESTION!!!!(omg!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do u like funny guys whoa are cute or intellegent guys who SpArKlE
  8. When U see someone who smells nice what do u do?
  9. WAIT!! wasnt that other question supposed to be the last one?!?1
  10. i thiink this is the last question (for real this time)

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