Jaclyn S...what? Woods
You can't come visit me without knowing who I am and what i'm doing! So how much do you know? Actually, this quiz is a requirement. If you get less than a fifty percent you are banned from any graduation concerning me. So really think about each answer and click carefully. Really, I get a look at these answers. Honestly, I will set up road blocks. Road blocks, but I will still love you.
Since we have the time, I think that a story here would serve to better illuminate why a quiz in necessary to determine if you are allowed to come to my graduation. So, there was this girl...lets call her Jamie. Jamie was graduating from high school and she invited her family to the ceremony. After the ceremony, they all went out to dinner but they had nothing to talk about, because none of her family knew what she had been up to in school. So take the quiz and some notes....we will talk about this later!
GoToQuiz Presents...
Our "Big Five" Personality Assessment Quiz!