Jace Norman Fan Quiz!!!!!!!

So you think you know Jace Norman? Take this quiz to find out if you REALLY know him. You think you can do it?! If you think so than dare to take this amazing quiz.

If you get 100% on this quiz you are my favorite person and you rock! I personally used to ya know... (have a crush) on Jace Norman but that was 2018 and I don't anymore so...Have fun on this quiz!

Created by: Abby of Jace Norman Fan Quiz LINK
(your link here more info)
  1. What is Jace Norman's hair color?
  2. What is Jace Norman's race?
  3. What is Jace Norman's eye color?
  4. Why is Jace Norman Famous?
  5. What television show is Jace Norman in as the main character?
  6. What movies has Jace Norman been in?
  7. Does Jace Norman like cats or dogs better?
  8. Does Jace Norman love or hate polotics?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. How AMAZING is the maker of this quiz?

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