Itsfunneh fan test

This is only the first quiz I have made, so please do not go around spreading hate or anything, because I said that this was only the first quiz I have made.

Itsfunneh is one of the BEST youtubers I have ever watched. She brings a smile to my face every day as I watch her. I see the Krew mess around and be stupid.

Created by: somebody, duh!
  1. How many siblings does Itsfunneh have?
  2. Has Funneh ever played friv on her channel?
  3. What is ItsFunnehs roblox user?
  4. what is her nationality?
  5. What is her brothers Roblox user?
  6. what is the name of the group she is in?
  7. What special holiday was itsfunneh born on?
  8. what is her favourite colour? (this is an easy one lol)
  9. what does rainbow wear on her head in Minecraft?
  10. what is dracos real name?

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