It's me Jeff the killer

This is a quiz to see how much you know about me if you failed just forget you're past and live while you can because then I will come for you and I'm you're fate

if you got lucky I will let you live just I won't be satisfied with you're work at all and if you got GTL get to live we could be best buds and you get to live forever

Created by: Nikolas
  1. How old am I
  2. Do I feel sorry for everyone I killed
  3. How many people did I kill
  4. Do I hate what I did
  5. Are you my fan
  6. What was my brother's name
  7. What is NOT true about me
  8. What is my dogs name online
  9. what am I not including a creepypasta
  10. Are you ready for the quiz to end

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