It hurts to be this damn good

You may be a bastard I could care less about, you may be just a passerby, you may be some acquaintance that I see from time to time but are you a true friend?

How well do you really know me? If you know less about me than you think, then i might not like you as much as you think. There's only one way to find out.

Created by: Jimmy
  1. We're standing on a bridge when someone offers me a beer to jump off I would say...
  2. What is my favorite kind of beer?
  3. If I could be any fictional beast who would it be?
  4. After a night of hard drinking, I run outside to puke in Melvin's driveway. When i'm done I...
  5. Which song best describes my taste in women?
  6. If you approached me holding a bulldog puppy and asked what I thought I would most likely say...
  7. Which phrase reminds you of me the most?
  8. When I'm 80 years old and I'm in a nursing I would most likely say the following phrase.
  9. One day my tombstone will read...
  10. If I come over to your house and get drunk then decide to break something it would be....

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