It Doesn't Remind Me

Who am I? Do YOU know? Are you as bored as I am right now? Need something to do? Then test your knowledge to see ow Megantastic you REALLY are! Have no fear though, it's not like the world is going to come to the end if you don't know WHERE I was born, or on what day. Relax! And Enjoy!

Why does this thing require that all sections be a certain number of characters long? This is incredibly annoying and harassing on my part. Just take the damn quiz and see how well you know me. I did that in like 12 letters, give me a break!!!! Geez!

Created by: Megan of MySpace
(your link here more info)
  1. What year is my Jeep?
  2. What are my daughter's initials?
  3. What size Tennis Shoe do I wear?
  4. What is my favorite animal?
  5. What is my favorite Jack Johnson song?
  6. What is my favorite Ice Cream flavor?
  7. I would die if I did not have a ___________ shirt to wear.
  8. How many piercings do I have?
  9. I spent two years at...
  10. My birthday is February...
  11. Where was I born?
  12. WHat is my favorite alcoholic drink?
  13. My MOST favorite CD to Rock Out to?
  14. I started writing poetry when I was...
  15. I got my first tattoo in...
  16. I love the smell of boiling chicken.
  17. I thoroughly enjoy skateboarding.
  18. I wear contacts.
  19. I wear underwear everyday.
  20. I am addicted to chocolate.
  21. What do I order from Starbucks 90% of the time.
  22. What is my favorite cake?
  23. My most used condiment is...
  24. My favorite way to eat chicken is...
  25. What did I consume everyday when I was pregnant with Jocelyn?

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