How Jizzadellic are You?

This world is full of wannabe rappers,are YOU one of them?Remember,God doesn`t like people who have no additude,who can`t defend themselves.Survival of the fittest,That`s what it`s all about.

Are You Jizzadellic?Do people respect You or do they push You around?When You face drama,do You run or confront it?What`s Your true additude towards alcohole?Take this quiz & You will find out!

Created by: Jizzy of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which rap genre do you listen to?
  2. Who is the best rapper(from the list)?
  3. Who is the worse rapper(from the list)?
  4. When you`re in a club & someone wants to pimp your girlfriend,what do You do?
  5. When someone tells You that You`re an idiot,how do You feel?
  6. What would You want to have?
  7. Which song from me is the best,according to You?
  8. Which is the most beautiful woman on the list?
  9. Do You drink?
  10. What`s the best drink from the list?
  11. Who`s the best rapper/group from the Croatian scene?
  12. Who`s the best producer from the list?
  13. When You see the Police,what do You do?

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Quiz topic: How Jizzadellic am I?