Islamic quiz game

This is an Islamic quiz. The qustion most only related from Allah In this quiz. There are no quesion About Prophet. wquefhqwf fqwifhuqwf qwfuwqfw wfuqwfg fw.

This is an Islamic quiz. The qustion most only related from Allah In this quiz. There are no quesion About Prophet. rgwe grhwe hweh etjrthw wegew hew ewgwe.

Created by: Farhan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In isha how many rakat namaz should be offer ?
  2. In which mouth haji went gor hajj ?
  3. How many names are there of Allah ?
  4. Which namaz we offer specilly in the mouth of Ramadan ?
  5. With which thing Genil are made of ?
  6. With Which thing Human are made of
  7. What we have to sai before eating food or someting
  8. Who was the Last Prophet in World
  9. in which languege quran shraif revealed
  10. How many door is in Hell ?
  11. How many door is in jannat ?

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