Islamic Awareness Quiz

This quiz has been created to test general Islamic awareness. Things like.... What is the key to all worship? Who is an Imam? etc... Most of it is merely general facts.

The quiz contains questions from different areas of Islamic knowledge. This is what makes it more general. Hope you will enjoy taking it.... Good luck!

Created by: Eman

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Islamically, how many worlds does a human soul pass through in total?
  2. Which of the following actions in Islam cannot be excused or left undone even in the most difficult situations?
  3. We have _____________ Prophets in total; _________ of them are mentioned in the Quran.
  4. The fishar (squeeze) of the grave can not occur if the dead person was...
  5. In the well-known "Sulh al-Hasan" [Peace treaty of Imam Hasan A.S.] the initial request for peace was made by.....
  6. Complete this well-known hadith: "All the evils have been locked in a room and its key is _______".
  7. From what it has been stated in the Quran, how many times is a person rewarded for a single good deed; and how many times is he punished for one evil deed?
  8. Which regularly recited dua contains the verse: "Hal elayka yabna Ahmada sabeelun fatulqaa."
  9. According to Imam Ali A.S.. the key to friendship is....
  10. Who was the first martyr of Islam?
  11. Which one of our Imams had the shortest period of Imamat?
  12. When did the concept and requirement of Ijtihad and Taqleed begin?
  13. Which one of these is not an "Usul-e-Deen" (Roots of religion)?

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