Is your OC a Mary Sue?

Some people have Mary Sues as characters this test can explain if your character is one! This wasn’t made to offend anyone don’t kill me please. I just like to play around

I doubt that you’d read this, but yeah here’s your lovely test you clicked on. Don’t attack me I’m innocent please ;——-; yeah enjoy this test, I had fun making this (●´ω●)

Created by: Blossomed Cherries
  1. How many friends Does your OC have?
  2. Does your character have special superpower
  3. Is your character resurrected ?
  4. Is your character a god/goddess or a daughter/ son of one?
  5. Is your characters background sad?
  6. Is your character named after you?
  7. Has your character felt responsible for the death of someone?
  8. Is your character from another planet or country?
  9. How many characters fall in love your OC?
  10. Finally, is your character good at everything?

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Quiz topic: Is my OC a Mary Sue?
