Is Your MLP:FIM OC Mary Sue?

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Mary Sue Pony OCs... Ok I wanted to do this quiz because... Uhm... So you all can know If your oc is Mary Sue (Gary Sue) If you dont know what Mary Sue is: A OC classified as Mary (Gary) Sue Means that they're perfect. And perfect in this case isn't good. Because they always beat everyone and the sentence of life is "NOBODY IS PERFECT" that's like the summary of the topic... Maybe. :P

In this test You'll see how much your OC mary sue is. The higher the percentage the more your OC mary sue is! D: (Excuse my bad english... PlEaSe do it)

Created by: ArtycamMLP
  1. Your OC's age:
  2. What Race is your OC?
  3. Colors
  4. Where does it live?
  5. Is your OC sociable?
  6. Personality
  7. What is it's Bio like?
  8. Does it have any titles?
  9. Does it have special powers?
  10. Is it in a relationship with a canon chracter?
  11. Has it a flying mane?
  12. Gradients?
  13. Is your OC better than any of the canon characters? (Reference to talents)

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Quiz topic: Is my MLP:FIM OC Mary Sue?