Is your man/woman good for you

Are THEY right for you?!? Do you want to find out because you mite think they are but then maybe not at the same time. Just only 12 questions needed!!

Five minutes tops it will take to find out truly i try my best to help you with your love life take my word for it. come on just try!!!! just come on.

Created by: Megan Fragale
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are they sweet to you?
  2. Have you ever got it a fist war before?
  3. Do they say i love you alot?
  4. Are they there for your rough times?
  5. Are you male or female
  6. Yes or NO Are you scared of losing them?
  7. Are they hot?
  8. 3 more questions Do you have animals?
  9. dose he sometime hurt them?
  10. Do they truly love you back?

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Quiz topic: Is my man/woman good for you