Is Your Hometown the Setting for a Crime Drama?

A crime drama city setting is quite hard to come by, but we'll see if you can take it. Ready?

You're taking the crime drama quiz, which has a result for your very own town. Ready to learn more?

Created by: holden of is it a crime drama
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often is a person murdered in your town?
  2. How big does your police force's investigative force seem to be?
  3. How many major crime bosses seem to operate in your town?
  4. How many obvious romantic pairings make themselves evident in your local police force?
  5. How often is a police officer kidnapped in your hometown?
  6. How involved are seemingly credentiall-less private detectives in your police force?
  7. How sketchy is the science employed by your local forensic's department.
  8. How common are dark, dead end allies in your hometown?
  9. How many private detectives do you know?
  10. Are you a detective (professional or unprofessional)?

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Quiz topic: Is my Hometown the Setting for a Crime Drama?