is your dad fat

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IS YOUR DAD FAT? This test is about to see if your dad is fat. Wish you pass this test! LOL, and it wants me to get 150 words right? I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!

Is YOUR dad under or overweight? This test is to find it out. In just a few minutes you can see! Find out now! XD And also the limit is 150 so yeah ufo is scientific

Created by: Dan

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how much weight does ur dad weight
  2. what age is ur dad
  3. does ur dad do gym
  4. what difference (age) is between you and ur dad?
  5. what description does ur dad fit the best
  6. do u plan to rate a smiley face
  7. does ur dad force u to do sports
  8. what ur dad's job
  9. is ur dad very old like a 70-year old boomer
  10. is ur dad ded
  11. ur answers affect ur percentage not my problem if u got the wrong answer

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Quiz topic: Is my dad fat