Is your crush the one?

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this quiz tells you if your crush is your soulmate. he might be or he might be better as a friend. take this quiz to find out. because you will never know

this quiz asks questions and you need to give the honest answers and it will tell you the truth with you answers you put in. be honest and you will know the answers

Created by: Lilly
  1. does he stare at you
  2. do his friends ever tell you he likes you
  3. does he ever get nervous around you
  4. does he ever talk to you
  5. does he ever ask you out
  6. are they single
  7. how long have you known him
  8. how similar are you guys
  9. do you go to the same school
  10. does he ever give you gifts

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Quiz topic: Is my crush the one?
