Is your crush into you???

Love is hard but this quiz reveals it all! Are you crushing on the right person? I have to have 300 characters so I am just going to type random letters over and over. Just remember this is meant FOR FUN!


Created by: UnicornKitty
  1. Does your crush talk to you?
  2. How much time does your crush spend with another possible love interest?
  3. Does your crush look at you?
  4. What is your crush’s fav color?
  5. Why do you like your crush?
  6. What do you and your crush have in common?
  7. Are you crushing on you idle that you have never seen for more than a meet and greet?
  8. Are you dating anyone?
  9. Have you barfed/pottied in front of your crush?
  10. What do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: Is my crush into you???

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