Is your character a Mary Sue?

Hello, this is my first quiz thing! I'll make a better version of this quiz later, for now this is all I could get done....I'm hoping to make a 200 question version (if there isn't a limit)

I don't know what to put here, it's just a Mary Sue test... I know there's a lot of typos and stuff but just ignore it. I think I fixed the major ones...

Created by: Olive
  1. Does your character have a similar name to yours?
  2. What's your character's age?
  3. Which BEST describes your character's past?
  4. What's your character's eye color?
  5. How many people have a crush on your character
  6. Has your character ever killed someone
  7. Does your character have powers?
  8. What's your characters hair color?
  9. How many languages can your character speak?
  10. What species is your character
  11. Is your character royalty, simply yes or no
  12. Which best describes your character's regular outfit
  13. Does your character have a mental illness for no reason?
  14. Does your character get away with things because people feel bad for them?
  15. What is your character's opinion on fried rice

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Quiz topic: Is my character a Mary Sue?
