is your bff really your bff

Are you guys true FRIENDS???THIS quiz will help you and if you take this quiz and pass you are a genius in bff legendary place let me give you a 100 if you succeed good job

if you fail there will be consequences to your quiz....please pass for the sake of your friendship this helped me hopefully it will help you !!!!!!!!.

Created by: tracy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what would you do if your best friend was going out with your boyfriend?
  2. what is your favorite activity to do with your bff?
  3. what would you do if your friend moved away?
  4. how would you describe your friend?
  5. what is your bffs favorite food?
  6. what do you guys get bored about?
  7. if you and your bff fight what would it be about?
  8. what is your favorite song?
  9. what do you wear if you are going to a club?
  10. why are you guys best friends?

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Quiz topic: Is my bff really my bff