Is your Bff really a bff?

You probably HAVE LOTS OF FRIENDS but do you have a BFF? Take this quiz to find out if you really have a bff! Lets find out! Come on!If you don't want to take this quiz its okay you can take it later but this is the best quiz ever you must take it!

You probably HAVE LOTS OF FRIENDS but do you have a BFF? Take this quiz to find out if you really have a bff! So what are you waiting for you drag the mouse and click! It's like magic! If you don't want to take this quiz its okay you can take it later but this is the best quiz ever you must take it!

Created by: Juliet
  1. Do you have a best friend?
  2. Do you ever find that you are the only one ever calling your bff, you bff never calls you?
  3. If your bff is going on a trip and they have to choose between you and their other best friend do you think that you would be the one to go on the trip?
  4. Do you think your bff is really your bff?
  5. Does your bff have lots of other bffs
  6. What do you normally say to your bff in the morning
  7. Do you hang out with your bff 1
  8. Why are you taking this quiz
  9. What do you think a bff is
  10. If you and your friend get in a fight do you feel...

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Quiz topic: Is my Bff really a bff?