Is your BFF a gossip?

We all know about gossipers- people who just love to get in peoples buisiness and then tell people about it. And we all know about BFF's- our best friends!

But... Is your friend actually one of the gossipers? Do you think she is? She might be. Have I gotten you to wonder? I hope so! Now you can take this quiz to find out

Created by: puppyz
  1. There's major drama going on at school. Your BFF:
  2. You keep your crushes identity:
  3. Your BFF _____ sending group texts.
  4. Your BFF would make a great:
  5. Your parents are out of town for the weekend. Your BFF:
  6. If you don't want to talk about something, your BFF:
  7. You and your BFF get bored. She suggests:
  8. Have you told your friend at least three secrets before?
  9. Has your friend ever told someone's secret?
  10. Do you think she is a gossip?

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Quiz topic: Is my BFF a gossip?