Is Your Best Friend Your Soulmate??

I have been through debating if my guy best friend is my soulmate. I never thought he would be but here I am. I knew he didn’t like me, but my instincts kept telling me I had to go for it. Now I’m happier than ever and I hope this quiz can give you the motivation and courage to just go for it...

I knew he didn’t like me, but my instincts kept telling me I had to go for it. Now I’m happier than ever and I hope this quiz can give you the motivation and courage to just go for it...

Created by: Cory F.
  1. How long have you known your best friend
  2. How do you feel when your around them
  3. Have you had past boyfriends
  4. Do you know their other best friend ( if they have one )
  5. If he has another best friend, how does his best friend treat you
  6. Do you know the feeling of being connected emotionally
  7. If you do know the feeling, grab deep within yourself, DO YOU FEEL THAT WITH THEM
  8. This one seems obvious but rly it’s not, do his friends or best friend ever talk about either one of you liking each other
  9. Last question, ( technically ) if his friend do tease about it, did he react when his friends do this
  10. Ok, this one doesn’t effect your score, but do you think this quiz is accurate coming from a real person going through the same thing

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Quiz topic: Is my Best Friend my Soulmate??
