Is your best friend a true best friend

Have a bestie or a friend and not sure what kind of relationship your in? Take this quiz! :D this has to be 150 characters so . . . . . . . . . . . . Yeet

Something went wrong in a friendship and you wanna find out if you can still be friends? Take this quiz!:D and yet your way to happiness and rainbows yeet

Created by: Kiki
  1. does he\she always laugh at your jokes, even when they aren't funny?
  2. Do they tease you, but never ever go too far?
  3. Do they always promise to never love ur crush?
  4. Do they call you stupid ugly mean fat or anything like that?
  5. When your feeling sad, do they cheer you up with a hug or some chocolate?
  6. Do they have other friends, but always choose u over them?
  7. Does it take them only like 10 minutes to get over being mad a t you?
  8. When you think about them, do you smile?
  9. There's probably something wrong in ur friendship if your taking this quiz, so go phone them right now. Did you do it?
  10. Do you tell them u love them?

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Quiz topic: Is my best friend a true best friend
