Is you oc a Mary Sue? (Sorry for bad spelling XD)

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This quiz will help you find out if your OC is a Mary Sue or not! Hope you enjoy this quiz idk what to put here anymore 👍👍 🐧🐔🐦🐤🐒🙊🙈🐵🦁🐮🐽🐸🐼

:) bye ppl hope you enjoyed!!!! (folllow me on roblox sharkboi4114) ( HEY I THOUGHT “boi” WAS A DUNNY WORD UnU) 👁👄👁. 👍💛🤡💀🤖🥣🍲♥🍜🥫👻🎃🖤❤😕👽😑😬😂🤣😆😁☺👣

Created by: Akko/Danny
  1. Is your character constantly changing there hair color/style?
  2. Does your Characters eyes not very humanly? (Ex) red purple
  3. Do you often imagine yourself as your character?
  4. Does you oc have a disability?
  5. Is your oc the last of there kind?
  6. Is your oc related to royalty? (Ex) prince, princes
  7. Is your oc a furry?
  8. Does you oc have a tragic past?
  9. Is your oc the mane love attraction?
  10. Is your oc from another dimension?
  11. Is your character have black hair and might be the protagonist? Or does yours have pink hair and large futures
  12. Do you often see other peoples oc style and change yours a bit because you like there’s?
  13. Does your oc have magical powers?
  14. Does your oc have a lot of freinds?
  15. Is your oc in constant danger?
  16. Does your oc have affairs a lot?
  17. Does your oc have problems? (Ex) drinking, metal, and anger?
  18. Would your oc be bored by this quiz?

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