is you life going downhill

for most people their lives are going downhill and they don't know it till there a preteen cause that's when hormones start to flourish and the wall is lifted from you eyes. others have GREAT lives and are at the top.

now it's your turn to find out are you going uphill or downhill? do you get lots of attention or are you crying in the corner barley maintaining and are trying to sing the words to your favorite song to get you back up? take this quiz to find out

Created by: sierra

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. have you lost a loved one
  2. has one of your closest freinds moved away
  3. are you left out and if yes do you talk to your friends about it
  4. do you have a loved one that is in the hospitle
  5. have you had nightmares,vissions,or bad thoughts of worst come to worst of your life
  6. do you feel like people baby you just because it's you
  7. have you ever had any "evil" supervisors or teachers in you life
  8. do your friends always get pick and/or in the same group but you don't
  9. A= 1 friend B=another C=you you feel like it's ALWAYS A&B,A&B,A&B,A&B
  10. anything else

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