Is this person the one for you?

There are many people in love out there! but some people are just out of a lot of luck !!! What is love you ask ? love is something you feel about a person that you care about alot!!! And this is true...... for some people!

Are YOU and your guy/girl madly in love? or are you two completelly hope less!!! thanks to this quiz you are about to find out!!! Just take this quiz to find out !!! go ahead......... take it!!!

Created by: Eliza

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do they kiss you on the forehead instead of your lips?
  2. Do they call you pretty or beautiful/handsome instead of hot/hunky?
  3. when they say "i love you" do they say "me too" or "i love you too"?
  4. When they text you do they use "u" or "you"?
  5. when you pass them do they look at your eyes or your butt?
  6. do they ever hold your hand in public?
  7. when you guys go to a party/dance do they scope the room as soon as you get there?
  8. Why did you take this quiz?
  9. do you love them?
  10. did you like this quiz???

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