Is s/he a narcissist? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is s/he a narcissist?
I was married to a narcissist for 20 years. It destroyed me & our children. I knew something was wrong in the beginning, it became much worse after our children were born. I started having problems with anxiety because nothing I ever did was good enough for him. As my kids became older, they became withdrawn and slightly depressed. He was a good income provider, narcissists make good executives/CEO's. He would have severe bouts of anger when he didn't get his way, it resulted in emotional abuse and eventually physical abuse. When he made a habit of making excuses to hit our children (because you know that a narcissist can not take responsibility) I knew there was no way to fix things and it was time to leave. We (my kids & I) left him a year ago, and my kids and I are all in therapy still sorting out our lives. I now know that not only is he a narcissist, but he is also a psychopath. He rarely sees his children even though he lives one mile away. I have been diagnosed with anxiety problems, and my kids both have anxiety and depression issues. Not to mention our self esteem has been shattered. Narcissist and psyhopaths are like tornados, they destroy everyone in their way. It is going to take years of therapy for my kids and I to gain our lives back. If you are ever in a situation like this, listen to your instincts! I didn't. In the year since we have left (we are still legally married because he wants to fight over everything - except the kids). People have come forward and confirmed my instincts. I now know that he has lied to me several times, committed adultery, and threw his family under the bus (bad mouthed us) more times than I can count. He still has his high paying job + a girlfriend (who he found right away) & she has kids. I pray that she sees the light with him sooner than later and I am devistated that my kids feel like we were so easily replaced. I want to share because others need to know they are NOT alone
Omg sounds exactly like me. Im in so much pain and so are my kids. How do you do it? I need help. Im scared Ill never feel better. I was so successful and motivated and now I just feel like a worthless broken person.
I literally just ended an eight year relationship with a narcissist. I have always been told how beautiful I was by everyone. People often asked me what was my race because of my looks. Although I was always told how beautiful I was I always wondered why didn't I see it? Why the man that I've been in love with for eight years never told me how beautiful I was? Every time we would get into arguments he would talk about how old I'm getting and I'm only one year older than him.. He would act like I was nothing to him. I gave him my all only to get nothing back in return from him. I would tell him how much I loved him... He hardly ever said it back. We would go to concerts and all the couples that would be there the men would be holding their ladies while he would be standing on the chair while I'm standing on the floor like I'm not even there. He made me feel like I was absolutely nothing... It took that night after the concert I recall looking down at the ground when the concert was over and we were leaving thinking that I must look very ugly and he's embarrassed to be seen with me. When I got home and looked in the mirror I said to myself my God you look so beautiful and you don't even see it.. It was that moment that I realized that he has been tearing me down the entire eight years while I built him up and fed his ego. I pray to God that I get my confidence back and that I find a man who loves me as hard and as much as I love him. So grateful that I came across this site and read the comments because it let's me know that I was not alone... Thanks everyone!!
Same- I wouid say the 20 year old pharmacist gave me more attention than my own husband.
These people will suck the life out of you. First time I tried dating in 4 years and I ended up with a first class narcissist. It's only been a few months and I am jumping out quite quickly. It started out slowly and there were signs! Look for the signs! Everything was a pity party and all about him. He had to be the center of attention every time and everywhere. Then his degrading comments went from subtle to obvious to blatant. Don't waste your time. It is a complete and utter lost cause unless of course you are ok with giving up your entire being to cater to this person's ego. And trust me, it'll still never be enough. Took this quiz just for fun but found a lot of validation. Moving forward and not looking back. I have no desire to deal with Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde any longer. I'm too good. And so is anyone else. There is no saving these types. My grandmother is 84 and has lived this way her entire life despite numerous times of confrontation. I thought I had the personality that attracted the narcissist type and I do but I know now that I'm not the type to stay.
I hope I can be as strong as you are.
Sadly & fearfully he rates in the time to get out yesterday category.
I've begun facing this sad fact after knowing for five years now.
I rate the quiz as many stars as are available but my mini screen clicked 6/10 no it's 10/10 every question was so accurately phrased to let me know the author KNOWS the hell I have been living. Omg he's beautiful...I want out! So badly I tried to kill myself!!! He stopped me. And joked about it later. And still I'm afraid to make the wrong move. What if we succeed in loving one another?! Then I must remind myself of the reasons why we are doomed to fail. Each attack is worse than the last. I refuse to allow myself to live this way anymore. Not when I believe life is meant to be lived joyfully. Thanks to every single web page I stumbled upon to get here. To capture more tools for strength in waking from this nightmare. God bless you Rose and your work. And everyone here struggling through it. Never Give Up!!!
You can do it!!! Im surviving and I never thought I could or would. DM me at 571-818-9675 if you want. - Im sending love and strength.
I broke up with him 6 months ago. For the most part I know it was him, but tonight I was second guessing as I am not able to date for all of the hurt I went through. I am still healing and I only dated him 2.5 years. Still I took this quiz to reassure myself it was not just me. Thank you to the past 2 posts it is what I have been living. He scored an 86%. This helped me reasure that it was not just me. I like a fool kept on trying to make him love me which makes me co dependent. Another site that has helped me is she taught me that you must rebuild your soul as they steal your soul. They latch onto others because their soul was take too. I am not sure why I have had to go through this except that I have learned to be strong and be okay with being alone. God has helped me so much through this process, tonight, though I needed this website and quiz. Thank you
jschach1 -
I just had an affair with a narciccist. So wrong, I know. He is my weakness, always has been. He's been trying to get me since 2011, last year I finally gave in.
He never really was sweet to me. The sex was amazing, it was one big adventure. We saw each other three times a week. He constantly asked If I loved him, cared about him. I told him almost every day. He almost never said it back. He said he had money issues and tried to get money from me. I'm 26, he is 35 with girlfriend and a now just 1 year old daughter.
I would do anything for him. He was never interested in my feeling. He would always call me with his telephone nr hidden so I never got his number. We contacted via Fb messenger but he deleted me from Facebook as well (because it would be painfull for me to see his family pictures, he said. Yeah right.)
When he went on vacation for 3 weeks with his family we didn't spoke at all. He never wished me a merry christmas or a happy new year. He never asked about how I was feeling, how things were going with me.
I was never allowed to contact him, he always contacted me. He controlled me completely. I wasn't allowed to see other men (which I did but I just didn't say it).
He wanted 800 a month. If I didn't give him money, I didn't really care and I was lying to him about my feelings he said.
Of course I'm not able to give him that and even if I was, he wouldn't get it. He wanted me to sell my gold jewelry, expensive things. He even said I could become an escort to make money for him. He is dangerous. I was completely emotionally dependent on him. He now left me because I refused to give him money, he left me a few times because of this already but he came back and I let him.
He completely emotionally abused me. I'm broken, I'm left feeling empty and heart broken. I actually did really love him and he used me, abused me and threw me away like I'm nothing.
Show Full CommentFlower881 -
This test just confirmed what I already knew that yes I will have been married to a narcissist for 24 years this November 4th. The 1 thing it does hit right on is the fact I'm scared to leave
I was scared too. You can do it. You deserve better but we are brainwashed and gaslighted into thinking we are the crazy ones but find your confidence- he stole mine and Im trying to get it back. Im here if you need help. Its the worst to be a victim of a narcissist. DM me at 561-718-9675 if you want to. I want to help anyone I can. Ive always been able to pick myself back up but this has been the hardest time ever in my life. Id love to support anyone who needs it.
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