is nyx ur goddess?

ther r lots of people in the world but i bet ya at leats half o them will get at least 4 wrong good luck try ya best only few people r true geniuses they are quite exceptional

are u a genius do u reckon u hav what it takes to take on the house of night quiz is nyx ur goddess

Created by: zoey redbird
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. nyx is the goddess of what
  2. whos stark
  3. whos duchess
  4. kalona is...
  5. neferet...
  6. who said'bullpoop'
  7. who is sylvia redbird
  8. where does the nerd herd live
  9. random q.:whats aphrodites last name
  10. whos nala

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