is he the guy for you?

This quiz is about seeing of you and your mate are perfect of course this is only a quiz so it might not be super accurate hope everything works out between you two

If you are confused about your relationship then im here to help this quiz will show if you guys are really perfect for each other you might think you are even if you aren't......they say love is blinding

Created by: hartilyhorne

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does he flirt
  2. Does he say I love you at all
  3. Does he stare?
  4. Do you think he loves you? (Has no effect to answer)
  5. Do you talk
  6. Does he get along with your parents
  7. Do you share intrests
  8. Are you allowed to date
  9. Do you see yourself holding his hand in public
  10. Is he .....

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