Is he right for you?

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Whta is true love? True love is love from the heart! I know! All love comes from the heart but it comes from the brain! True love is when you reAlly believe in who you love

Are you really right for your crush? Do you really not know? Then take this quiz and find out the answer to you questions!!!! This quiz was all my opinion so you may decide if the answer is right for you

Created by: QuizMaster

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is his eye color
  2. Why do you love him?
  3. Does he stare at you
  4. Do you think he likes you
  5. Does his friends like you
  6. Does his friends tease him when you are around
  7. Has he ever had a long conversation with you
  8. What's his style
  9. What does his name stat with
  10. Do you like this quiz so far (does not affect score)
  11. Last Question! Does he have a crush

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