is he really the right one?

there are many guys out there. you probably like at least one. some are good while others are not. are you ever confused as if he the is the right one for you?

if so take this quiz to find out if he is perfect, just good, ok, or not the one. its always a good idea to make sure you think you have the right guy for you!

Created by: c2kellypost
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you like him, does he like you back?
  2. do you catch him staring at you?
  3. what does he talk about with you
  4. when he could choose between talking/ hanging out with you or his friends what would he pick
  5. do you ever hear gossip about him saying he really likes you
  6. does he ever sit with you at lunch or during a free time?
  7. does he sit close to you, hold your hand, or put his arm around you
  8. how does he act when he's with you?
  9. do you text or call?
  10. what does he describe you as?

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