Is he into you?

Does he realy love you or do you just think he does? Find out here at my newest test "Is it true that he like you?" If he doesnt dont be deprest just be glad you know the truth. Dont stand around being clingy all day just say to your self "Hey Im single good looking and there are plenty of guys around"........... but if you take this quiz it will tell you if you need to worrie or not. But Im sure he at least will notice you. Mabey even LOVE you a lot! I have had many boys like me and manny boys fall for me and ask me out butif i learnd oe thing it was that i need to help other people with all the trubble they are in and all the suspence. But that stops now! Take this quiz to find out NOW! But reemmber that you are a strong butifull young woman and that you can deal with anything!

Does he LOVE you?Or just like you as a firend? Find out here! And if you find out he doesnt like you dont huddle up in a corrner thinking you wont ever show your face again just because one boy doest LOVE you that doesnt mean you are stupid or a loner it maens you are a stond ignorant indapentadt young woman! I honestly really hope this puts a stop to your suspence! Love ya, Lila

Created by: lila

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he smile sweatly, but then you look at him he looks away?
  2. When he looks at you he.....
  3. When you talk to him he...
  4. Do you have the same interests?
  5. Has he ever tried to ask you out in any way?
  6. Is he scared to talk to you?
  7. Have you done anything together?
  8. Would he ever trust you with something important to them?
  9. Does he find silly reasons to go help you with something?
  10. Does he have a girlfirend?

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