Is he CRAZY about you?

Yes.... He most likely still will always like you but maybe as a friend, or maybe as a girlfriend! Any way he will most likely always be there for you.

This boy quiz is to help you believe that he likes you....even if he doesn't. He will like i said...always,just always be there for you. You should go try to ask him out! He will probably Yes!:)

Created by: juliet_hottie6 of this site
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does He stare at you?
  2. Okay...Do YOU think he likes you?
  3. Does he ever act STUPID around you?
  4. Does he TRY to be around you???
  5. Does he ever din eye that he likes you?????
  6. Is he kinda creepy????
  7. Does he ever say that he likes someone else?
  8. (No effect) What color hair does he have? I'm curious!
  9. Does he call you???? (Like all the time?)
  10. Okay....The most important question of all! Does he ever try to talk to you alone???

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