Is he cheating?

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Sometimes we are so close to our own situations that we can't see the signs..This quiz will help you determine what your situation truly is. Good luck!

This quiz isn't definitive proof that he's cheating, but if you score 67%-100% he's definitely not investing in you cheating or not, boot him to the curb girl, frfr.

Created by: Priscilla
  1. How often does he text you throughout the day?
  2. You ask to use his phone for any reason.He ........
  3. You're on a date when you notice your waitress giving him the eye as she waits to receive his order, you look to see where his eyes are andHe....
  4. Your on your period and feeling emotional and insecure about the way you look today and have explained that to him as well, he...
  5. He picks you up for a date and you notice lipgloss in the the cup holder and it doesn't belong to you, so you ask him about it and he says...
  6. You have to pick up an extra shift at work, when you get a break you call him he...
  7. He has the weekend off work and you just found out you also got so lucky, so spur of the moment offer to pay for a hotel room for the night, he replys with..
  8. You go to shower and he's always came in at some point to catch a sneak peek, you watch for him as you shower and he...
  9. You asked him to go to the hardware store with you to help you handle some supplies that were going to be to big for you to move, he said he didn't think k he could so you tell him your brother's friend said he could help you if not. He...
  10. It's your 1 year anniversary and you're anticipating what he has planned for the evening, he...

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