Is a pet bunny right for you?

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Rabbits can make great pets for people of so many ages but you have to be up for the task. They can be very hard to handle but the reward is so great.

Unfortunately, Bunnies are thought to be simple tasks and are found abandoned in the streets and n animal shelters and even pet shops. To help not make that mistake take this quiz to help find out if a bunny is right for you.

Created by: Sasa
  1. what cage?
  2. Your bunny is grinding it's teeth. that means...
  3. You get invited to a huge party but your bunny needs to go to the vet. You...
  4. How much time will you spend with your rabbit?
  5. Should bunnies get unlimited pellets?
  6. What hay is poisonous for adult bunnies?
  7. What foods should bunnies have unlimited of?
  8. True or faults? Bunnies are nocturnal.
  9. What food can bunnies not have.
  10. How do you hold a bunny?

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