Is a horse right for you?

Horses are only for some people but I think you might have a chance to be a horse owner if you get this quiz right now go ahead and start because I'm counting on you

But if you think your to lazy and stuipid to do this quiz then maybe try it I think you will do very well like like its cool and all but like eat bananas people

Created by: 000138319
  1. Do you fart
  2. Do you like to eat banana bread with cream sauce
  3. Can you burp when a horse farts
  4. Do horses scare the poo out of you
  5. Can you die
  6. 4+400=
  7. Cats + cream pie =
  8. Are you bored because if so, so am I
  9. Guggenheim
  10. Lalalaaaaa =

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