iron maiden quiz for real iron maiden fans

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i made this quiz because i am a really big iron maiden fan and i hope you are too! most of the questions are based on things i know about the irons. i only put ten questions becaues i do not like typing.

i also made this quiz because i love to do anything that has to do with making things on computers! i really thought of the hardest questions i could !

Created by: bruce dickinson
  1. what album was the song "charlotte the harlot" originally on?
  2. what is steve harris's middle name?
  3. finish these lyrics "you charge them a fiver"
  4. so tell me forum bruce dickinson or blaze bayley?
  5. which is my favorite song?
  6. how tall is bruce dickinson?
  7. what kind of bass does steve harris play
  8. what kind of animal does bruce dickinson own
  9. how old was nikko in 2010
  10. who writes the most songs ?

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