Inflation belly story

This is a RolePlaying-style quiz, more like a story with different outcomes... In fact, that's exactly what this is. I hope you'll enjoy this thing I made!

If you don't already know for some reason, body inflation is a thing were someone (human most likely) are either stuffed with blueberry juice, water, air, or heluim, in order to get their bodies to expand like a balloon

Created by: Unknowncharacter
  1. You happen to wake up in a well lit, and very spacios place, but soon you find out you can't move, due to being tied up.Sombody the opposite gender of yours shows up, with a sly smile, and her hands are behind his/her back,, but he/shes obviosly holding a tube of some sort... What are your thoughts?
  2. Your kidnapper says, "hello, my playmate".What do you say?
  3. Your kidnapper shoves the tube in your mouth.How do you react?
  4. You can feel the tube inserting air in your mouth and you can feel your belly inflate a little. Your kidnapper's smile get bigger. What do you do
  5. Your belly cobtinues to grow, and the ropes break due to you growing belly. You can feel your arms and legs in your growing belly. Your kidnapper rubs your belly, and it feels great! Their smile widens once more. How do you react?
  6. You continue to inflate, untill you cant move. Your kidnapper stops inflating you, and climbs onto your massive belly, asking if you want more. What do you say?
  7. Your kidapper (if you said anything about not getting bigger) ignores you and continues to inflate you, then she climbs down. How do you react?
  8. You are now 75 times your own hight... Your kidnapper stops yet again, and tells you that she will now listen to what you want. What to you say?
  9. (this has no effect on the results)Are you a boy or Girl?
  10. (it needed 10 questions this wont have any effect on the results)

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