In what clan are you destined to be in PotDS?

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Welcome to this quiz! PotDS is a series about cats who live in the wild and loyalty is the key to success wherever you find yourself. Please enjoy and do not feel offended If you didnt get the clan you desired.

There will be a number of questions you will have to answer in order to find the clan your soul belongs In. Most of them are role-play like, but some are about other stuff, wich are important for your liking.

Created by: Kat
  1. Hello! Lets start by something simple. What territory do you find the best for your liking?
  2. Great, now, wich prey would you like to hunt?
  3. A kitten from a clan you are about to go to war with is hanging from a cliff, what do you do?
  4. You see a loner on your territory, It hasn't noticed you yet, what do you do?
  5. You noticed the deputy Is dead, and the leader Is ready to start a meeting in about a minute, what do you do?
  6. You have a mate from another clan, and your friend Is starting to suspect something, what do you do?
  7. You arive In the Dark Forest, what did you do to get StarClan angry?
  8. You killed a cat by accident, now what?
  9. You get pinned by a cat In battle, how do you act?
  10. Let StarClan decide!

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Quiz topic: In what clan am I destined to be in PotDS?
