In the future, will you be pretty or ugly?

Hello! This quiz is about you finding out wether your pretty or not. If you are pretty then there is nothing for you to be worrying about. If you are not, then you know that there is probably something you need to change. Just saying. To be honest with you, I think you are pretty. I was just getting a little bored a decided to make this quiz. So don't feel bad because if you get " Not Pretty," then its probably wrong.

So don't get stressed out over this quiz or feel bad because I'm not a big fat meany. If people think that your not beautiful in the outside, then that means you are beautiful in the inside. So relax, and do the best you can!!

Created by: Mia Konifka

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u wear make up?
  2. How often do u take a shower?
  3. Do u put on any perfume or deorderant?
  4. Do u shave ( armpits,legs,etc.)?
  5. Do u brush ur hair?
  6. How often do u brush ur teeth?
  7. Do u take care of you hands and feet (paint them,clip them,etc.)?
  8. Do kind of clothes do u wear?
  9. Is ur room always clean?
  10. Did u like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: In the future, will I be pretty or ugly?