In Case Of A Zombie Apocalypse, Are You Screwed?

Zombies. Tough, can withstand pain, and they are never hungry. Could you survive such a creature, let alon a mass invasion of the lifeform, or deadform? Find out. It will ask from knowledge to common sense, to survival questions. Are you ready? Please rate it to make even better quizzes! Blah, bla, What else? Oh yeah! I recommend the zombie survival guide, it will help. Also read world war z. Thanks !

Zombies. Tough, can withstand pain, and they are never hungry. Could you survive such a creature, let alon a mass invasion of the lifeform, or deadform? Find out. It will ask from knowledge to common sense, to survival questions. Are you ready? Please rate it to make even better quizzes! Blah, bla, What else? Oh yeah! I recommend the zombie survival guide, it will help. Also read world war z. dadedadida.

Created by: Jorge Gutierrez

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are inside of your local mall, and the city is overrun by zombies. You have 1 min. till they get to the mall. What is your first move?
  2. You are faced with a problem: You can only carry 2 weapons. What is your choice?
  3. Decision time! You have room for 1 more in a vehicle. There's your best friend who has slight gun training, a prisioner who has dealt with violence all his life, a sweet lady with no exp., a kid, an army reject, and a doctor.
  4. Short question. Choose a vehicle. (Keep in mind, you will use it for an approx. time of 3 months.)
  5. Zombie Trivia Time! What is the proper method of killing a zombie?
  6. Select the right superpower zombies have.
  7. Which of these corresponds to you?
  8. Which place would you pick to bunker in a long-term zombie infection. (Class Three Outbreak.)(Imagine there wasn't a gunshop nearby.)
  9. You survive the first month of a Class 4 Outbreak.(End of the world-type.) What is your biggest concern right now?
  10. What type of person are you?
  11. Have you ever handled a weapon, which means reloading, cleaning, and shooting. Must use real bullets.
  12. What is the most damage you have caused someone. Be honest.
  13. Your friend is bitten.You guys are alone, and locked in a room with a steel lock. There is only one gun with one bullet, and your friend is asking for the gun to commit suicide. What do you do?
  14. How much weigh can you carry on your back?
  15. In what kind of residence do you live in?
  16. This is for mere extra credit. What do you call a human who pretends to be a zombie in all its ways, including igonring pain?
  17. More extra credit! According to the Zombie Survival Guide, what is the name of the virus that zombifies victims?
  18. Finally, the last question. How do zombies communicate?

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Quiz topic: In Case Of A Zombie Apocalypse, am I Screwed? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Zombie Survival Quiz category.