Improved dirty mind quiz

So, this is a remake of my first dirty mind quiz. Yes, this is Musclewerewolf, and I have a new account with my new email address. So get your mind ready !

Dirty minds are everywhere. They are especially prevalent in middle school, where perverseness is not a shame. In high school, people start to treat perverts like creepers. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Musclewolfacc2
  1. Do you find yourself being called inappropriate?
  2. Do you know what biscuit and gravy means?
  3. What a sausage is?
  4. Where you get your sausage from?
  5. Do you know how to turn a man into a woman?
  6. Do you hang out with a lot of boys?
  7. What is your favourite thing?
  8. Is a no choking sign gay looking?
  9. In movies, do you have the habit of pointing out.... Stuff?
  10. Last question! Do you think you have a dirty mind?

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