Impossible quiz commercial

This is a series of questions straight out of the impossible quiz, by Splapp-Me-Do! It is recommended to do some yoga, or eat healthy stuff before taking this quiz, it's not for the faint hearted!

If you think you can ace every quiz, think again before you take this one! It's just a commercial, but it's still pretty hard. This will rate your chances on a scale to see how much of a chance you stand against the impossible quiz!

Created by: Nathan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is at the center of a black hole?
  2. sdrawkcab noitseuq siht rewsna
  3. remember: Red, Blue, Red, Yellow.
  4. Shanghai?
  5. If you put the mouse on a button, the entire screen turns blue except for your button, and a button on the other side of the screen, and it said: dont touch blue!!! what do u do????
  6. Now, you're in the middle with your button, and the button is right next to you, but there's all pink and if you try to go around youll touch pink what do you do???
  7. Did you enjoy the last queston?
  8. Where does the general keep his armies?
  9. What invention alows you to walk through walls?
  10. Which of the following is not a real place?
  11. I hope you remembered!!!!
  12. Can a match box?
  13. The answer is really big.
  14. What was the answer to question #2?
  15. What follows december 2nd?
  16. What kind of sound does a bell make?
  17. What is the seventh letter of the alphabet?
  18. Stop...
  19. How do you kill a werewolf?
  20. What are the main ingredients of shampoo?
  21. how many letters in ur mailbox?
  22. What do you call a wingless fly?
  23. Mary Rose Sat on a pin.
  24. snake? Snake?!?!
  25. 48= 4 8 15 16 23 42
  26. Marmite
  27. Which is true?
  28. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG its the end of the world!
  29. FINAL TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! deja vu?
  30. JK! This is really the last question. which is the correct answer?

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